What the heck is CranioSacral Therapy?

Craniosacral is a restorative practice that typically uses a light touch and
focuses on the head, spine and sacrum.

This system ( including the head/spine/sacrum ) is connected by a continous membrane of connective
tissue called dura mater.

spinal fluid rises and falls within the dura mater.
The rhythm of the spinal fluid is a critical part of a craniosacral treatment.
The craniosacral rhythm (CSR) or the cranial wave needs to flow unrestricted, hence
the intentions behind the treatment, and the intentions behind how and where the client is held on the table.
Cranio is a ‘holding practice’, it is not like other ‘massage’ modalities at all. It is NOT massage.
This is a scientific and measurable healing practice, as the spinal fluid has a DIFFERENT pulse
compared to that of our heart & blood stream ( John Upledger ).

Additionally, the skull is actually made up of twenty two separate and movable bones that are connected by layers of tissue.
The cranium-focused portion may concentrate on holding certain bones or portions of the skull for extended periods of time.

Craniosacral therapists can most easily feel the CSR in the body by lightly touching the base of the skull or the sacrum. During a session, they feel for disturbances in the rate, amplitude, symmetry, and quality of flow of the CSR. A therapist uses gentle touch to balance the flow of the CSR.
Once the cerebrospinal fluid moves freely, the body's natural healing responses can function more easily.

A portion of a CranioSacral treatment may include the practitioner’s verbal disclosure of any shifts or observations of the client’s body / being and energy ( Or even dialogue between practitioner and client throughout the treatment ).
This facet of Cranio overlaps into ‘energy work’ to some degree, yet the amount of time spent on this facet may be different
from client to client and this practice in general may also be referred to as ‘Cranial-Release’ or ‘UnWinding’.

A craniosacral session generally lasts 45-60 minutes.
The client lies face-up, on a treatment table, while the therapist gently assesses the flow of the CSR.

In many cases, I integrate a manipulative form of bodywork to release tension in the connective tissue along the way,
this hybrid approach requires a stronger touch.

My approach to CranioSacral or what I have coined as ‘Cranio-Fusion’ is on a case by case basis,
depending upon the client’s needs and my professional assessment.

Is CranioSacral for everyone?

Well there’s only one way to find out. :)
I personally was very skeptical at first, however I have benefitted greatly from receiving craniosacral treatments in my day, and I
still receive the treatments. At times I’ve felt a sensation of weightlessness which was quite amazing, almost as if I had left my body.
Other times I have gotten off the table after only an hour session, but felt as if I had just slept for nine hours, I felt that restored.
So to each their one, literally, Cranio has a different ‘effect’ on everyone, and everyone has a different experience during and after the treatments.

I suggest trying Cranio two times within three days, before you can make an assessment about your personal relationship/results
and opinion of CranioSacral or CranioFusion.